Pravind Kumar - Girmit Presenter
Human Resources and Industrial Relations Manager with 30 year's experience as a Senior Human Resource Practitioner including safety, training, and environmental.
Tertiary Qualifications
* Master's in Business Studies Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
* Graduate Certificate Local Government Management
* Graduate Certificate Health Service Management
* Graduate Certificate Human Resource Management
* Bachelor of Arts Economics and Management
* Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism
- Gardening
- Indian Dancing
- Travelling
- Hindi Music chautals, tassa, bihra, log geet, aahlaa, bhajans, hindi songs, cooking
- Fiji politics pre colonisation, colonisation, independence and post independence
- World sugar economics from 1980 till now
- Fiji Indians poverty, squatter settlements, and informal settlements
- Decline of sugar industry in Fiji and why from 1970 till now
- Migration of Fiji Indians after 1970 till now and why
- Global Girmityas, Indentured Labour and Slavery in former British and French Colonies
- Member and Executive of Global Girmit
- Author and Moderator Global Girmit
- Completed research recently on the two-sugar mills on the island of Taveuni
- Collection of Girmit materials and photos and articles from all over the world
- Sanatan Dharam Sabha Brisbane Queensland Australia
- Queensland Sangam Maclean Brisbane Australia
- Southside Chautal Mandali Group Brisbane Australia
- Assisting Tassa Groups in Fiji